Booking notification

Dear Jane, Your hotel reservation has been confirmed. Details below

No. of. Rooms : 2

Total PAX : 4

Check in : 07/27/24

Check out : 07/31/24

Google Maps Location http://bitly

For any queries, please contact +91XXXXXXXXX

11:01 am


Concierge bot for customer support

In the hospitality space, customer experience is everything. Ensuring guests are delighted is crucial to success in a market that is increasingly competitive and where superior customer engagement and experience can be the only differentiator.

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Thanks! We will be in touch

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Concierge Chatbot

Dear Jane, How can I help you? Enter

  • 1 Front Desk
  • 2 Room Service
  • 3 Housekeeping
  • 4 Travel desk

11:01 am


11:02 am

Dear Jane, this is Meera from travel desk. How can I help you?

11:02 am

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